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lera2od edited this page Apr 22, 2023 · 2 revisions


Leravel is a PHP framework that claims to have cool features like a router, template system, built-in admin panel, localization system, and being lightweight. However, according to the author of this readme file, it is considered the worst PHP framework and is referred to as a "very shitty" framework.


  • 🧻 A cool router
  • 📜 A template system similar to Blade
  • 🔨 A built-in admin panel
  • 💬 A built-in localization system
  • 🥋 Lightweight (according to the author)

Getting Started

To get started with Leravel, follow these steps:

  1. Download a PHP server software (Laragon is recommended)
  2. Create a new website
  3. Download the latest source code from releases
  4. Unzip the source code in the website directory
  5. Modify app/settings.json
  6. Don't forget to change Database.Database Name in settings.json or it won't work
  7. Create a website

Leravel Admin

leravel admin screenshot

To access the Leravel admin, go to /?admin on your website. The admin username and password can be found in /leravel/admin/account.ini. If you want to disable the admin panel, you can do so from settings.json.

Staying Up-to-Date

When you enter the Leravel admin, it will check for updates. If an update is found, it will remind you to update.

update screenshot

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