|— default.php
|— view.php
|— page_theme.php
|— page_forbidden.php
|— page_not_found.php
|— description.txt
|— thumbnail.png (120 x 90)
|— elements/
|— header.php
|— footer.php
|— img/
|— js/
|— main.js
In the boilerplate we make use of Less. Concret5 5.7 comes included with a built-in Less compiler. All less files are imported in main.less. Concrete5 compiles and minify the css. To make the code more maintainable we have set up a folder / file structure.
|— main.less
|— general/
|— vendor/
|— layouts/
|— components/
|— blocks/
- main.less; All less files get imported.
- general/; variables, typography
- vendor/; alle third party css (bootstrap)
- layouts/; styling for specific page types
- components/; Smaller components linke footer, buttons
- blocks/; styling for Concrete5 blocks