GET /collection/{id}/ - get collection
GET /collection/list/ - get list of collections
POST /collection/ - create collection
PUT /collection/{id}/ - update collection
DEL /collection/{id}/ - delete collection
GET /collection/{id}/categories/ - list all categories in collection
GET /collection/{id}/words?shuffle={bool} - list all words in collection
GET /category/{id}/ - get category
GET /category/list?withWordsCount={bool} - get list of categories
POST /category/ - create category
PUT /category/{id}/ - update category
DEL /category/{id}/ - delete category
GET /category/{id}/words?shuffle={bool} - list all words in category
POST /category/{id}/word/{id}/ - add word into category
DEL /category/{id}/word/{id}/ - remove word from category
POST /category/{id}/import/ - import words into category
Content-Type text/plain
BODY raw
GET /word/{id}/ - get word
GET /word/list?page=1&limit=3&state={IMPORT/PARSE/AUTO_PARSE/CORRECT/USER_CORRECT} - get list of categories
POST /word/ - create word
PUT /word/{id}/ - update word
DEL /word/{id}/ - delete word
GET /word/parse?text={word}&filter=true - parse word from web
GET /word/find?text={word} - find and get word if cannot so parse it from web
GET /word/{id}/categories - get categories where word is added
GET /word/updated?from=2020-05-11T00:00:00 - get all updated words from date
POST /word/import/ - import words
Content-Type text/plain
BODY raw
Activity is for measure of user activities
POST /activity/ - create activity
GET /activity?uuid=bbd4fc7957f7e44c - get activity
GET /activity/list - get list of activities
Log endpoint is for saving of logs from application
POST /log/ - create log
GET /log?uuid=bbd4fc7957f7e44c - get log
GET /log/list?from=2020-05-05T11:20:00 - get all logs from date