This skeleton is based on laravel-sail has packages for compliance with PSR-12 standards, as well as auxiliary packages for standard control. The main purpose of the project is to quickly deploy and configure the development environment and the system itself.
- OctoberCMS 1.1 (Based on Laravel 6)
- Laravel-Sail (fork
- fakerphp/faker
- GrumPHP
- PHPUnit
- PHP CS Fixer 2
- Composer 1/2
- PHP 7.4
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- git
- Clone project:
git clone .
- Setup project
To set up the project, you need to change the key variables {author}, {projectName} in the configuration files. For this purpose, a file has been created that allows you to do this in Linux systems. You must call the and pass it the author's alias and the project name as parameters:
chmod +x && ./ lemax10 example-project
The script will configure the project, as well as create a directory for the developer plugins/{author} and clone the standard demo OctoberCMS theme
- Install composer dependency
composer install --no-scripts
- Run sail project
vendor/bin/sail up -d
- Generate APP_KEY
APP_KEY=$(vendor/bin/sail artisan key:generate --no-ansi --show) sed -i -e "s/APP_KEY=/APP_KEY=${APP_KEY}/g" .env
- Restart and install october
vendor/bin/sail restart && vendor/bin/sail artisan october:up
Password administrator show from complete install.