This is about how to write Li-Pro.Net documentation with Sphinx.
The documentation is written using Sphinx documentation system. To install it in a Python 3.x virtual environment, please do:
Python 3.8 virtual environment:
$: python3.8 -m venv --copies --promp="$(basename $(pwd))[$(python3.8 --version)]" .py38env
$: source .py38env/bin/activate
$: pip install --upgrade pip
$: pip install --upgrade setuptools
$: pip install --upgrade --requirement tools/requirements.txt
Get help:
$: make help
Documentation tests:
$: make doctest
$: make coverage
$: make linkcheck
$: make spelling
Documentation builds:
$: make html
$: make latexpdf
$: make clean
$: deactivate
$: rm -rf .py38env
$: sudo apt-get install build-essential python3.8-dev
$: sudo apt-get install curl tar bzip2 woff2 eot-utils
$: sudo apt-get install fontconfig fontforge-nox
$: sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev librsvg2-bin icoutils
$: sudo apt-get install poppler-utils imagemagick pdf2svg
$: sudo apt-get install latexmk xindy unifont fonts-dejavu
$: sudo apt-get install fonts-wqy-microhei fonts-font-awesome
$: sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex texlive-pictures texlive-science
$: sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended texlive-fonts-extra
$: sudo apt-get install texlive-lang-european texlive-lang-english
$: sudo apt-get install enchant aspell aspell-en aspell-de
$: sudo apt-get install wamerican-huge wngerman wgerman-medical
For the purpose of later comprehension, the steps for setting up this
document with the help of sphinx-quickstart
were recorded here:
$: sphinx-quickstart \
--sep --dot _ \
--project "Li-Pro.Net Sphinx Primer" \
--author "The LP/N Documentation Team" \
-v 0.0 --release 0.0.1 \
--language "en" \
--suffix ".rst" \
--master "index" \
--extensions "sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel" \
--ext-doctest \
--ext-coverage \
--ext-todo \
--ext-ifconfig \
--ext-intersphinx \
--extensions "sphinx.ext.extlinks" \
--ext-mathjax \
--makefile \
--batchfile \