To get started with development you need to install a few things.
To get the development version of the app up and running, you can do:
npm install
cd server
npm install
cd ../client
npm install
cd ..
npm run dev
You can also run the client and server individually with npm run client
and npm run server
Route: /api/users/register
Request Type: POST
Success: 200 status code
Create a new user given username, email, password in the request body.
Route: /api/users/login
Request Type: POST
Success: 200 status code
Log in a user given username & password in the request body.
Route: /api/jobs/create
Request Type: POST
Success: 200 status code
Create a new job document in the database. The request body must be a JSON job document.
Route: /api/jobs/delete/<job_id>
Request Type: POST
Success: 200 status code
Delete the job with the given job_id
Route: /api/jobs/update/<job_id>
Request Type: POST
Success: 200 status code
Update the job with the given job_id. The request body must be a JSON job document, including any fields to be updated.