Note: This Binding is available in TODO and later releases.
- Introduction
- Binding Configuration
- Item configuration
- Sitemap Example
- Logging
- Known Issues
- Change Log
This binding integrates with Sonance DSP Amplifiers. It supports all three models (DSP 2-150, DSP 8-130 and DSP 2-750) but for now it's only tested with the DSP 8-130. For each group you can enable or disable sound (toggle mute) or set the volume.
For installation of the binding JAR on your system, please see the Wiki page Bindings.
Edit the file openhab.cfg
located in ${openhab_home}/configurations/
############################## Sonance binding ########################################
# Sonance refresh rate in ms
When a command for a new volume or mute toggle is pressed, the value is updated immediately. So their is no need to lower te refresh rate to get a faster response.
/* Sonance items*/
Switch Sonance_bedroom_mute "Bedroom" {sonance=""}
Number Sonance_bedroom_volume "Volume [%.0f db]" <chart> {sonance=""}
Switch Sonance_bathroom_mute "Bathroom" {sonance=""}
Number Sonance_bathroom_volume "Volume [%.0f db]" <chart> {sonance=""}
Switch Sonance_spare_room_mute "Spare room" {sonance=""}
Number Sonance_spare_room_volume "Volume [%.0f db]" <chart> {sonance=""}
Switch Sonance_office_mute "Office" {sonance=""}
Number Sonance_office_volume "Volume [%.0f db]" <chart> {sonance=""}
Frame label="Amplifier" {
Switch item=Sonance_bedroom_mute
Setpoint item=Sonance_bedroom_volume minValue=-70.0 maxValue=12
Switch item=Sonance_office_mute
Setpoint item=Sonance_office_volume minValue=-70.0 maxValue=12
Switch item=Sonance_bathroom_mute
Setpoint item=Sonance_bathroom_volume minValue=-70.0 maxValue=12
Switch item=Sonance_spare_room_mute
Setpoint item=Sonance_spare_room_volume minValue=-70.0 maxValue=12
In order to configure logging for this binding to be generated in a separate file add the following to your /configuration/logback.xml file;
<appender name="SONANCEFILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- weekly rollover and archiving -->
<!-- keep 30 days' worth of history -->
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %-5level %logger{30}[:%line]- %msg%n%ex{5}</pattern>
<!-- Choose level ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG or TRACE for detailed logging -->
<logger name="org.openhab.binding.sonance" level="TRACE" additivity="false">
<appender-ref ref="SONANCEFILE" />
- No known issues
- Initial version