#Drupal on Vagrant#
- Clone this repo
$ git clone [email protected]:Laudanum/vagrant-puppet-drupal
- Pull in the submodules
$ cd vagrant-puppet-drupal; $ git submodule init $ git submodule update
- Create the sites directory
$ mkdir ../sites
- Optionally create your own github ssh keys (they'll be copied into the VM)
$ mkdir ../ssh-config && ssh-keygen -f ../ssh-config/github.rsa
- Bring up Vagrant
$ vagrant up
- Missing ruby libs (stdlib) Apache::vhosts can't find validate_re https://github.com/knowshantanu/puppetmod-uabopennebula/issues/11 Comment out that line in modules/apache/manifests/vhosts.pp
- Permission issues running drush or apahce
Remount /srv/www rewrite and nobody:nobody
umount /srv/www && mount -t vboxsf -o umask=000,dmode=777,fmode=666,gid=99,uid=99 sites /srv/www
##Updating submodules##
- Init submodules & update
$ git submodule init $ git submodule update
- Change directory to submodule
$ cd puppet/modules/apache
- Switch branch to master (submodules branch)
$ git checkout master
- Pull in changes
$ git pull
- Change directory to parent project
$ cd ../..
- Commit
$ git commit -am "Update apache submodule."
- Restore any pre pull fixes you may have https://github.com/knowshantanu/puppetmod-uabopennebula/issues/11
- Provide a standardised development instance
- Integrate with our workflow (git, drush make)
- Provide simple utilities for developers (drush quick drupal)
- Provide simple testing for code quality (doxygen, validators, test/jenkins)
##Extending this VM##
- Add a submodule
$ git submodule add [email protected]:rafaelfelix/puppet-pear puppet/modules/pear
##Sources## https://github.com/drupalboxes/drupal-puppet/tree/master/drupal
Add github to known_hostsSolve github ssh keys (share with host, copy to host, push vagrants to github)- Add hosts to /etc/hosts (on Vagrant guest)
- Look at Vagrant hosts plugin (for host?)
Enable mod_phpadded package (unnecessary?) and php.confInstall lynx- Write Vagrant plugin for git / drush.
- settings.php for Drupal isn't working
$databases = array ( 'default' => array ( 'default' => array ( 'database' => 'spacetimeconcerto.com_local', 'username' => 'vagrant', 'password' => 'vagrant', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => '', 'driver' => 'mysql', 'prefix' => '', ), ), );
Install php-mysql- AllowOverride all for our vhosts (where is this coming from? apache via drupal?)
Permissions onchanged owner to apache in vagrant filefiles
are bad- Drush aliases (for sync from staging or production and sanitise)
.ssh/config is missing- install unzip (for drush)
##Installing Drush##
Squid for caching make installs(Drush 5.x does this internally)- bzr and svn because quick drupal likes it
- Sqlite3 so that quick drupal can make dbs easily (php-pdo)
- Mail for mailing messages
$ sudo apt-get install bzr svn subversion sqlite3 php-pear php5-cgi php5-sqlite php-pdo squid sendmail
$ sudo pear channel-discover pear.drush.org
$ sudo pear install drush/drush-6
$ drush selfupdate
###Quick Drupal###
Probably not useful. Requires permission to install httpserver and would run within vagrant. Would require extra port forards too.
Drush needs to download a library from https://github.com/youngj/httpserver/tarball/41dd2b7160b8cbd25d7b5383e3ffc6d8a9a59478 in order to function, and the attempt to download this file automatically failed because you do[error]
$ drush -y qd test-panels panels
###Download and enable a module###
###Make from a new profile (via GitHub)###
Takes a git repo name or path as an argument
###Rebuild features###
Named or all features
###Check make manifest for missing modules###
- Modules in contrib are in the .make and .info files
- Modules in custom are in the .info file
- Could use pm-list --type=module --status=enabled (but its slow)
###Connect to staging and pull in a sanitised database###