The Mole is a zany 2D platformer starring Borin the mole. Navigate your way through a selection of classic LamePancake environments as you work to defeat the Grays and lead the Vikings to victory.
To build:
Set Configuration to "x86" instead of (the default) "x64"
Right-click TheMole (project, not Solution) -> Properties.
Expand "Linker" tab -> Select "Input"
Click on the drop-down arrow for "Additional Dependencies"
Add SDL2.lib;SDL2main.lib;SDL2_image.lib;SDL2_ttf.lib;SDL2_mixer.lib;SDL2pp.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)
Select "VC++ Directories" tab
Set "Library Directories" to
$(VC_LibraryPath_x86);$ (WindowsSDK_LibraryPath_x86);$(NETFXKitsDir)Lib\um\x86;$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Debug;$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2; [] In Release mode, change$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Debug; to $ (SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\RelWithDebInfo; if trying to debug or $(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Release; for an actual deployment -
Select "Debugging" tab
Set "Working Directory" to $(SolutionDir)
Set "Environment" to PATH=$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Debug;$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2;$(Path);
Repeat 8-11 for Release and Debug [] Change "$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Debug" to "$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\RelWithDebInfo" for debugging a Release build or "$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Release" for a deployment build
$(VC_LibraryPath_x86);$ (WindowsSDK_LibraryPath_x86);$(NETFXKitsDir)Lib\um\x86;$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2pp\Release;$(SolutionDir)Lib\SDL2;