- βοΈ Functionalities:
Signin with Email
,Signin with Social(facebook, email)
,Get Profile
,Delete Account
. - βοΈ Method Channel Encrypt & Decrypt AES-256: Kotlin Coroutines, RxSwift, CryptoSwift.
- βοΈ TODO Notifications.
βββ Authentication
| βββ Signin with Email
| βββ Signin with Social(facebook, email)
| βββ Register
| βββ Get Profile
| βββ Signout
| βββ Delete Account
βββ Main
| βββ Home
| βββ Movies
| | βββ Movie List
| | βββ Movie Detail
| | βββ Movie Reservation (TODO)
| βββ Profile
βββ Notifications (TODO)
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For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. Flutter Build-Runner
- dart run build_runner build