GALS is a method that augments the existing LiDAR-based SLAM systems with raw GNSS measurements with the use of factor graph optimization.
$ git clone
Clone and build g2o
$ cd GALS && mkdir EXTERNAL && git clone
$ cd g2o && mkdir build && cd build
$ make -j4
$ sudo make install
catkin build gals
- Set path of rover's GNSS observation data (RINEX file)
<arg name="roverMeasureFile" default="" />
- Set paths to GNSS navigation data (RINEX file)
<param name="navigationFile{1..5}" type="string" value="" />
- Set slamOdometryPath (TUM format with timestamps converted to GNSS time (week seconds))
<arg name="slamOdometryPath" default="" />
source ../devel/setup.bash
roslaunch gals gals.launch