%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'fontSize': '14px', 'fontFamily': 'monospace', 'mainBkg': '#f8f9fa', 'nodeBorder': '#dee2e6', 'clusterBkg': '#ffffff' }, "flowchart": {"useMaxWidth": true, "htmlLabels": true, "curve": "basis"}}}%%
graph TD
subgraph " "
NBA[Official NBA Data]
SDQL[SDQL Database]
NBA --> PBP[Play-by-Play]
NBA --> BOX[Box Scores]
NBA --> ADV[Advanced Data]
SDQL --> ODDS[Historic Odds]
SDQL --> QUERY[Query Engine]
style NBA fill:#e8eaf6,stroke:#3949ab
style SDQL fill:#e8eaf6,stroke:#3949ab
style PBP fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#f57c00
style BOX fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#f57c00
style ADV fill:#fff3e0,stroke:#f57c00
style ODDS fill:#fce4ec,stroke:#ec407a
style QUERY fill:#fce4ec,stroke:#ec407a
- Install Python 3.9 or higher:
➜ ~ brew install [email protected] # macOS
➜ ~ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python3.9 # Ubuntu/Debian
➜ ~ choco install python39 # Windows
- Install Poetry package manager:
➜ ~ curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 - # All OS
- Get the code:
➜ ~ git clone https://github.com/LMastro99/nba-trading.git ➜ ~ cd nba-trading
- Install project dependencies:
➜ nba-trading poetry install # Creates virtual environment
- Configure environment:
➜ nba-trading cp .env.example .env
- Start NBA Trading:
➜ (nba-trading-py3.9) nba-trading poetry run python -m nba_trading
This project is proprietary software. See the LICENSE file for details.