Misc build system fixes
This minor release fixes a couple of issues found in the build system after the major release 0.7 of HiOp.
What's Changed
- fixing memory leaks in cuSolver by @kswirydo in #554
- moves pnnl_cleanup to .pre stage and removes files based on age by @jdmacam in #555
- Condensed/normaleqn linear system without CUDA/RAJA by @nychiang in #557
- Fix mds raja example for raja without GPU by @nychiang in #558
- git submodule fixes by @cnpetra in #561
- Misc build system fixes related to HIOP_SPARSE by @cnpetra in #560
- Disable openmp when raja is not used by @nychiang in #562
- Pre stage pipeline fix by @ryandanehy in #564
- New tag release - 0.7.1 by @cnpetra in #565
New Contributors
- @jdmacam made their first contribution in #555
- @ryandanehy made their first contribution in #564
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1