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Pupil Plate Ellipticity (PUPE)- Photometric Analysis Tool (PAT)


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Pupil Plate Ellipticity (PUPE)- Photometric Analysis Tool (PAT)


The goal of this software tool is to help the user create and analyze pupil plate images in order to identify the best position for the tip and tilt of the M2 mechanism during the collimation of a telescope. A "pupil plate" is a defocused star that is defocused so much that it appears as a donut. The shape of that donut can be used to characterize (and hopefully be able to eliminate) optical distortion.

Users can focus on the following Examples and Usage sections. The rest of the sections are meant for developers.


Using the engineering password for the "aws site", log onto the operational-support machine via

The standard offline analysis can be run using the following command:

pupe-pat /home/eng/input_data_20180501 /home/eng/output_results_20180501

replacing the first path with the directory containing the input images to be analyzed and the second with the directory to store the output results. Running

pupe-pat -h

will print the help message with descriptions of the parameters.

The the most up to date docker image and script are automatically installed on operational-support using Puppet.

To run the real-time analysis, run:

pupe-pat-realtime /home/eng/input_data_20180501 /home/eng/output_results_20180501

The real-time analysis mode should be run on a machine that has /archive mounted, specifically operational-support. Once images are done being taken for the night, press control-c to stop the listener and generate the merged pdfs described below.


During collimation, engineers use a script to take a number of out of focus images at various tips and tilts of the M2 mechanism. Previously, the best image was previously identified by eye. This code is meant to quantify this process. We currently only support the LCO 1-m class of telescopes due to scaling the initial guess of the donut size, but this should be straightforward to extend.

Images to be analyzed should be taken significantly defocused. The stars should look like a donut with a hole in center. Currently, we require that the inner hole have a radius of at least 5 pixels. The outer edge of the donuts should have a radius of at least 50 pixels at the moment. For the Sinistro cameras, this corresponds roughly to a defocus of +-12 mm in the focal plane (which is the value stored in FOCDMD in the header). There are plans underway to shrink this requirement to a 25 pixel radius which would allow defocus parameters down to +-6 mm. This is currently a requirement in pixels rather than on defocus, so for the SBIGs in 1x1 binning we can currently get down to +-7.5 mm.

The pupil plate images need to be taken on a bright, isolated star. A cut of V~4 seems to work well. This produces images that are high signal-to-noise (half the saturation value) in about 1 second exposures. Fainter stars can be used if they are isolated (the donuts do not overlap) and the exposure times are long enough to get ~20,000 counts in the images.

The code automatically detects sources using Source Extractor in Python, SEP, The code then makes a cutout around the donut and fits a model using astropy.modeling that has one value in the "hole" of the donut, one brightness for the pupil plate and one for the background level. The centers and radii of the circles that form the boundaries of the pupil plate are also allowed to vary. There is code in this repo to fit ellipses instead of circles and to fit brightness gradient across the donut, but they are currently disabled. Furthermore, non-circular sources are filtered based upon ellipticity if the A/B-axis ratio (as reported by sep.extract) exceeds 1.15.

The results are saved in the output directory specified by the user at runtime. Each star in each image that is fit as a pupil plate produces a pdf file with the filename of the image followed by a source id. At the end of the analysis the pdfs are merged by defocus position into pupe-pat-{focdmd}-donut.pdf (default) where {focdmd} is replaced with the requested focus of the images. The code also produces a "quiver" plot (replacing donut with quiver in the name above). This shows the magnitude and direction of the offset of the centers of the inner and outer edges of the pupil plate. The "best" M2 tip and tilt are marked with a red X.

The code can be run in two modes (see below): real-time and offline modes. The offline mode will analyze all images in a given directory that are EXPOSE or EXPERIMENTAL obstypes, and are defocused (FOCDMD != 0.0). By default, PROPOSAL_ID is not used to filter images. However, the --proposal-id PROPOSAL_ID argument may be specified on the command line to analyze only those images that are taken by the specified PROPOSAL_ID. To ensure that the proposal is correctly included in the header, the Sequencer should be set to manual when taking the images.

The real-time mode has the same criteria for which images to analyze, but watches the input directory for new files. Right before an M2 tip/tilt run, this watcher should be started on the directory where the files will appear. For the SBIG cameras, this can be the raw directory for the given DAY-OBS. The Sinistro frames need the amplifiers to be stitched together before they can be analyzed, so the watcher should be directed to the preview directory instead.


The code is currently installed via Puppet. The only machine that has the code automatically installed is operational-support.

On other machines, the code is meant to be run in a docker file. You can pull the docker image by typing the following:

docker pull{0.1.0}

replacing {0.1.0} with the current version. You can find the current version checking

Alternatively, you can install the code directly (after installing the dependencies, hopefully in an environment) by running

git clone
cd pupe-pat
python install

but the docker installation is preferred. This setup will not include the wrapper scripts described above in the Examples section above. For using a machine besides operational-support or using a direct python installation see the Advanced Examples below.


Docker needs to be installed on your system and you need to be a docker user. eng is probably the best option. operational-support is the only machine that will have the pupe-pat and pupe-pat-realtime wrapper scripts installed via Puppet currently.


  • sphinx

  • numpy

  • astropy

  • lcogt_logging

  • sep

  • matplotlib

  • watchdog

  • scipy

  • emcee (only needed for manual analysis)

  • corner (only needed if emcee is installed)

  • pypdf2


Currently, the tests are run manually. Our test data set was taken on kb05 at bpl on 20180409. We use the whole raw directory of images. To reduce the test data run the following on the operational-support machine as the eng user:

pupe-pat /home/eng/pupe-pat-test-data /home/eng/pupe-pat-tests-results

You can test other versions using the docker commands in the Advanced Examples section below.

The tests pass if all the blue circles align with the donuts in the PDF files produced in the output directory.

Eventually this procedure will be replaced with automatic testing in Jenkins.


Currently, new versions are built manually. You can run

docker build -t{0.1.0} .
docker push{0.1.0}

replacing {0.1.0} with the current version. You can find the current version checking Eventually we will replace this procedure with continuous deployment in Jenkins.

After the updated version of the docker image has been pushed, update and deploy the puppet config files to use the new version.

Advanced Examples

On machines other than operational-support, if the script is installed in a python environment, the standard offline analysis can be run using the following command:

run_pupepat --input-dir /home/eng/input_data_20180501 --output-dir  /home/eng/output_results_20180501

replacing the paths with the desired input and output paths.

The other available parameters are --output-table and --output-plot, and --proposal-id. These control the names of the output files produced at the end of the analysis. For example, if you wanted to run the analysis a second time but not overwrite the results, you could run

run_pupepat /home/eng/input_data_20180501 --output-dir  /home/eng/output_results_20180501 --output-table pupe-pat-run2.dat --output-plot pupe-pat-run2

Note that the --output-table flag needs an extension (e.g. .dat or .txt), but the --output-plot flag does not. It automatically makes pdf files. This difference is because each focus position produces a separate plot. The --proposal-id flag can be used to set which proposal took the pupil plate images. The default is to not filter on proposal id and process all images.

The real-time analysis has identical arguments, but is run as

run_pupepat_listener /home/eng/input_data_20180501 --output-dir  /home/eng/output_results_20180501

On machines other than operational-support the preferred method to run the code is via docker. You can do this by running

docker pull{0.1.0}
docker run --rm -v /home/eng/pupe-pat-test-data:/input -v /home/eng/pupe-pat-tests-{0.1.0}:/output{0.1.0} run_pupepat_listener --output-dir /output --input-dir /input

replacing {0.1.0} with version of interest. You can find the current version by checking The mount points inside the container are arbitrary names, needing only to match the --input-dir and --output-dir arguments.

Running the real-time analysis using docker is similar

docker pull{0.1.0}
docker run --rm -it -v /home/eng/input_data_20180501:/input -v /home/eng/pupe-pat/output_results_20180501:/output{0.1.0} run_pupepat_listener --output-dir /output --input-dir /input

The real-time analysis requires the -it flags so that it will receive the control-c command to stop the listener and make the final set of pdfs.


Acronym Description
M2 Secondary Mirror mechanism on 1m telescope
FWHM Full width half max


This code is licensed under GPL v3.0. See LICENSE for more information.


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Pupil Plate Ellipticity (PUPE)- Photometric Analysis Tool (PAT)








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