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James Heselden edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

This page details the topological map, what it is used for, and some relevant details of the map format and links to supporting info.




Creation by Hand

To complete this, please familiarise yourself with the TMAP COMPONENTS documents.

A topological map is made up of a series of sections in a single YAML file.

Your map will be made of a collection of nodes, and edges connecting them together into a network.

  1. Opening: The map file begins with the opening, this contains meta information such as where the map is, when it was updatesd, and what name it should have.

Begin your file by including the opening section HERE. Fill in the gen_time, and location f-strings with relevent details.

The final line of the opening is the beginning of the nodes section.

  1. Nodes:

For each node in your map, you must then must then create a node block HERE and insert this into your file. You must in this, populate the location for the map, and give the node a name, along with an x and y position, and an orientation. The restrictions can be left as "True", and the vert can be left as "vert0".

  1. Edges:

At the end of the node section, needs to be an edges tag. Each node may have a collection of edges which a robot can use to leave the node and travel to other nodes. If the node has no edges, you can include the edges_empty field empty. If not empty, you must start with the edges_start section edges_start.

For each edge to be included, you must include an edge block edges. In this block, the name fstring must refer to the node hosting this edge, and the node2 fstring must be the name of the node at the destination end of the edge. The action must be the navigation approach to be used, with the action_type being the message format. The restrictions here can also be left as "True".

  1. End:

Finally, once all the nodes have been included and all the edges are assigned attached to each node, the cllosing must be included. This is simply just the verts template verts. Include this at the bottom and you are good to go.

Automated Creation

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