The WE@PE tool is used to generate Automatic Post-Editing for Automatic Machine Translation using Word Embeddings methods.
In this section, we describe the steps to install all requirements for running the WE@PE tool.
First, make sure you have both Python3 and PyPI package manager.
apt-get install python3 python3-pip
It is essencial to have Python Tkinter installed in order to run the tool GUI. This package is not available through PyPI, so one must run the following command to install it:
apt-get install python3-tk
The WE@PE tool uses both numpy
and scipy
packages, as specified on the requirements.txt file. To install these dependencies, just run the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
To perform the morphological analysis tasks required, the Apertium tool is used, as well as lttoolbox
. To install these, just execute the following command:
apt-get install apertium lttoolbox
The MGIZA tool is used to align words from parallel corpora. This can be installed simply cloning the GitHub repository into src/aligner/
To run the tool, simply execute src/
or python3 src/
This project was developed by Marcio Lima Inácio with orientation of Helena de Medeiros Caseli, from LALIC (Laboratório de Linguística de Inteligência Computacional) in the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar).
This work has been developed with the support from São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), grants #2016/21317-0 (Undergraduate research grant) and #2016/13002-0 (MMeaning Project).
The opinions, hypotheses, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this material are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of FAPESP