This is the source code for the Sauce For Your Thoughts front-end.
Run npm install
to download all of the necessary packages.
This application was built on NodeJS version v12.13.0
To run in development, type npm run dev
in console to start (NextJS)[]. This will compile your code and allow for hot reloading.
To run in production, you will first need to build the optimized nextjs files with npm run build
and then you can run npm run prod
. This will push the code through (webpack)[] and use appropriate plugins.
Build out a 'Rating' component.
Allow users to submit review directly on sauce page.
Add query limit when looking at sauces (i.e. Don't pull all of the sauces at once)
Finalize a structure for src folder.
Add content to website home page.
Improve design / improve brand identity.
Improve how the search feature works.
Investigate more into styled components.
Switch to styled components
Write 'privacy' page.
Add 'Display Name' for users on signup and as something they are able to update.
Impliment 'fractal' code architecture.
Investigate into NextJS
Impliment NextJS
- User
- Create account
- Login
- Logout
- Update display name
- Update email
- Update avatar
- Update password
- Resend verification email
- Confirm email
- Reset password
- Sauce
- Add sauce
- View specific sauce
- View sauce grid
- Filter sauces
- Pagination
- Edit sauce (Admin only)
- Review
- Add review
- Edit review
- View reviews on single sauce
- User
Add user pages.
Write more tests.
Make sure site is fully ADA compliant.
Add links out to social media.