Published to npm.
A Rollup plugin to import CSS classes in Javascript. Inspired by rollup-plugin-import-css but that one returns a CSSStyleSheet
and this one exports class names to use in your app.
For ideas or if the docs are unclear, you are welcome to open an issue.
Let's take these files:
.blue-colour { /* Correct Great British spelling 🇬🇧 */
color: blue;
import { blueColour } from "./MyDiv.css" assert { type: "css" };
export const MyDiv = () => (
<div className={blueColour}>
Blue text
It's OK to use the same class names across different .css
npm i rollup-plugin-import-css-classes
Use the specifier npm:rollup-plugin-import-css-classes
Example rollup.config.js
import css from "rollup-plugin-import-css-classes";
export default {
input: "index.js",
output: { file: "dist/index.js", format: "esm" },
plugins: [
// Default options shown below
// You can leave them all out and just use `css()`
// Apply transformations to the CSS code
transform: (cssCode) => cssCode,
// Choose which files to process, default:
filter: (filePath) => filePath.endsWith(".css"),
// Vite doesn't support checking import attributes
// so you can disable the "type": "css" check
checkAttributes: false,
// Minify the CSS code
minify: true,