Collection of python tools to read and edit milsoft windmil model and export for GIS
Currently Work in Progress
- Reads in data from .seq equipm,ent database and stores each type in a pandas dataframe.
- Similar to WindMil will allow mass changes to equipment prior to DSS analysis.
- Reads the .std file and stores the results in a dataframe, converts to lat/lon.
- exports to a shape file for import into QGIS or similar.
- Modified to ustilize a loop function calling the new class structure.
- Currently shape file and database file creation controlled by a dictionary.
- This is the class associated with model_read_gis.
- Contains mutliple functions to generate and manipulate the data.
- lists and dictionaries to configure columns to be named and columns to be dropped.
- Funcxtions designed for testing and error checking used accross multiple projects.