A simple webhook server that helps you forward GitHub webhook messages to Telegram.
It consumes around 1.2GiB of RAM at maximum, together with a disk usage of 2GiB.
Please make sure you have abundant resources before compiling.
And you need an available rust compiler, rustup
, for example.
git clone https://github.com/KunoiSayami/github-webhook-notification.rs.git
cd github-webhook-notification.rs
cargo build --release
Then go to target/
and you will find the executable binary file. Copy it to the place you want to destinate it to.
A typical location is /usr/bin
for most Linux distributions.
If you are unable to compile, it's OK to download pre-built binary files from the release page.
Remember to make it executable.
It looks like this.
You can place it anywhere you like, but -c
parameter is required to specify the path of your configuration file.
# ./data/config.toml
# /etc/ksutils/webhook/config.toml
bind = ""
port = 11451
secrets = "1145141919810"
#token = "henghengaaaaaaa"
bot_token = "1145141919:810abcdefg"
send_to = [114514, 1919810]
full_name = "MonsterSenpai/SummerNight-HornyFantasy"
send_to = [11, 4, 514, 1919, 81, 0]
full_name = "BillyKing/Wrestling"
send_to = 233
branch_ignore = ["test", "2323"]
Settings for the server.
is the address you want this server to listen.
It's best to listen localhost, behind some SSL/TLS frontend (like nginx), to ensure maximized security.
is the listening port.
Set any available value for your server as you like.
is for client authentication.
It is highly recommended to set this to secure your service.
It should match the "secret" field value in your GitHub webhook settings.
is an optional token embedded in the URL.
When using it, please append
to your URL.
Global settings regarding Telegram.
is the bot token of your Telegram bot.
You can find it in Telegram@Botfather.
If you don't have a bot token, you can also turn to it to create a new bot.
is the default set of the group/channel/pm(s) you want to send your message to.
You just need to fill the "chat_id" of these chats in the bracket.
It's OK to leave it blank, but in this case you must specify the
per repository.As for the acquisition of "chat_id", you can search Google.
Individual settings for each repository.
is the path of the repository, formatted in
. -
specifies the (list of) chat_id(s), to which you want to send messages from this
.If left blank, messages will be sent to all chats listed in
. -
is the branch(es) that you want to ignore.
Events from this/these branch(es) will not be sent.
This usage will be mentioned below.
Type github-webhook-notification --help
to get more usages.
It's OK to simply run it. For example:
github-webhook-notification -c data/config.toml
But it's better to set up a service.
Take this for an example.
# /etc/systemd/system/gh-wbhk-tg.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/github-webhook-notification -c /etc/ksutils/webhook/config.toml
It's better to launch it after the web server starts to work.
You can customize the Execstart
command as you like.
Copyright (C) 2021 KunoiSayami
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.