The Asteroids engine is a C++ 2D engine.
- Simplistic Networking interface (with automatic syncing of entities and components, and is quite resilient to lag)
- Networked components and entities
- Networked 2D physics
- GUI system (powered by TGUI)
- Window and audio system (powered by SFML)
- Logging and error handling system
The engine is named after where it originated from, the game Asteroids. Documentation is a work in progress, but most of the code is self-explanatory.
There are many libraries that the asteroids engine uses:
- bitsery: For serialization and deserialization of networking messages
- flecs: Entity-Component-System handling
- GameNetworkingSockets: Steam's networking library, used for of course networking
- SFML: Audio, Window, Rendering handling
- TGUI: GUI handling
- THST: Spatial partitioning library
- nlohman/json: For config reading and writing
- boost: various utility functions
It is required that you use VCPKG to build this engine, it is part of this engine's toolchain on Windows. Below is a step by step guide on how to install vcpkg
Installing vcpkg:
$ git clone
$ .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
$ .\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install
Installing the neccessary packages with vcpkg
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install GameNetworkingSockets --triplet=x64-windows
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install protobuf --triplet=x64-windows
This is a crucial step! Guide yourself to the "Edit Enviroment Variables for your account" panel, next click "new." In the "variable name" field type "VCPKG_ROOT," and then under the "variable value" field insert the file path of where you cloned vcpkg, including the vcpkg directory itself. The variable value field should look something like this: "C:/My/path/to/the/thing/vcpkg"
Finally, in between where you call cmake_minimum_required() and your project(), insert this:
message("Using the VCPKG Toolchain for Windows")
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake")