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Fix order of apllying and generate n func zipping
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KubEF committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 85fe43c commit f10bf89
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Showing 4 changed files with 198 additions and 43 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions bench/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ uncurriedZipWithBin
-> QuadTree (Maybe Double)
uncurriedZipWithBin = uncurry4 (zipWithBinFunc4 maybeAdd)

main :: IO ()
main = do
m1 <- readFuncToMtxFormat "bench/matrixes-for-benches/929901.mtx"
Expand All @@ -41,10 +40,9 @@ main = do
input2 = (m1, m2, m3, m4)
input3 = (m1, m4, m1, m3)
input4 = (m4, m2, m3, m1)
putStrLn ""
[ bgroup
"comparing of zipWithAdd4 function: sum four equals matrixes"
"comparing of zipWithAdd4 function: sum four equals matrixes 1"
[ bench "by TH" $ nf uncurriedZipWithBin input1
, bench "by map2" $ nf zipWithSum4 input1
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/GenQuadTreeTH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-matches #-}

module GenQuadTreeTH where

import QuadTreeTH (genBinFunc)
import QuadTreeTH (genBinFunc, genBinKFunc)

$(genBinFunc 4)

$(genBinKFunc 3)
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/Helpers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,4 +49,16 @@ anagrams l1 l2 = case (l1, l2) of
([], []) -> [[]]
(list1, []) -> map (head list1 :) (anagrams (tail list1) [])
([], list2) -> map (head list2 :) (anagrams [] (tail list2))
(list1, list2) -> map (head list1 :) (anagrams (tail list1) list2) ++ map (head list2 :) (anagrams list1 (tail list2))
(list1, list2) -> map (head list1 :) (anagrams (tail list1) list2) ++ map (head list2 :) (anagrams list1 (tail list2))

tupleToList4 :: (a, a, a, a) -> [a]
tupleToList4 (a, b, c, d) = [a, b, c, d]

tupleToList2 :: (a, a) -> [a]
tupleToList2 (a, b) = [a, b]

triplePart :: [a] -> [[a]]
triplePart l = [[l !! n, l !! (n + 1), l !! (n + 2)] | n <- [0, 2 .. (length l - 3)]]

lsEvenWithOne :: (Num a, Enum a) => a -> [a]
lsEvenWithOne n = 1 : [2, 4 .. n]
218 changes: 180 additions & 38 deletions src/QuadTreeTH.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@

module QuadTreeTH where

import Data.List (zip4)
import Helpers (anagrams)
import Data.List (zip4, zipWith4)
import GenTH
import Helpers
import Language.Haskell.TH
import QuadTree

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,15 +42,21 @@ leafWithoutArgs name = asP name [p|Leaf{}|]
-- generate pattern of Leaf with given patterns args, for example
-- leafWithArgs v1 s1 = (Leaf v1 s1)
-- note that v1 and s1 are not names, so you have to wrap wishing names into pattern variables
leafWithArgs :: (Quote m) => (m Pat, m Pat) -> m Pat
leafWithArgs (v, s) = [p|Leaf $v $s|]
leafWithArgsPat :: (Quote m) => (m Pat, m Pat) -> m Pat
leafWithArgsPat (v, s) = [p|Leaf $v $s|]

leafWithArgsExp :: (Quote m) => (m Exp, m Exp) -> m Exp
leafWithArgsExp (v, s) = [|Leaf $v $s|]

-- generate pattern of Node with given patterns args, for example
-- nodeWithArgs (nw1, ne1, sw1, se1) = Node nw1 ne1 sw1 se1
-- note that nw1 , ne1, sw1 ,se1 are not names, so you have to wrap it into pattern variables
-- also note that this is fully curried function. So you can zip it with zip4 before using
nodeWithArgs :: (Quote m) => (m Pat, m Pat, m Pat, m Pat) -> m Pat
nodeWithArgs (nw, ne, sw, se) = [p|Node $nw $ne $sw $se|]
nodeWithArgsPat :: (Quote m) => (m Pat, m Pat, m Pat, m Pat) -> m Pat
nodeWithArgsPat (nw, ne, sw, se) = [p|Node $nw $ne $sw $se|]

nodeWithArgsExp :: (Quote m) => (m Exp, m Exp, m Exp, m Exp) -> m Exp
nodeWithArgsExp (nw, ne, sw, se) = [|Node $nw $ne $sw $se|]

-- generate 'case (x1, ..., xn) of matches' expression by given expression vars, for example
-- caseArgs [t1, t2, t3, t4] matches = case (t1, t2, t3, t4) of matches
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,11 +87,14 @@ zipArgsByBin func = foldl1 (\acc x -> infixE (Just acc) func (Just x))
whereSizeDiv2 :: (Quote m) => Name -> m Exp -> m Dec
whereSizeDiv2 s s1 = valD (varP s) (normalB [|$s1 `div` 2|]) []

recAppl :: (Quote m) => m Exp -> m Exp -> [m Exp] -> [m Exp] -> m Exp -> m Exp
recAppl myF f ns vs s = foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $x|]) [|$myF $f|] listOfAll
leafs = map (\x -> [|Leaf $x $s|]) vs
listOfAll = ns ++ leafs
recAppl :: (Quote m) => m Exp -> m Exp -> [m Exp] -> m Exp
recAppl myF f = foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $x|]) [|$myF $f|]

anagramToExp :: (Quote m) => [[m Exp]] -> [m Exp]
anagramToExp = map (\x -> if length x == 2 then leafWithArgsExp (listToTuple2 x) else nodeWithArgsExp (listToTuple4 x))

anagramToPat :: [[Name]] -> [Q Pat]
anagramToPat = map (\x -> if length x == 2 then leafWithArgsPat (listToTuple2 $ namesToPat x) else nodeWithArgsPat (listToTuple4 $ namesToPat x))

genBinFunc :: Int -> Q [Dec]
genBinFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
Expand All @@ -102,12 +112,13 @@ genBinFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
sName = mkName "s"
cl1 = do
-- [(Leaf v1 s1), ..., (Leaf vk sk)] :: Pat
let leafsPat =
zipWith (curry leafWithArgs) (namesToPat vNames) (namesToPat sNames)
leafsPat =
zipWith (curry leafWithArgsPat) (namesToPat vNames) (namesToPat sNames)
-- [Node nw1 ne1 sw1 se1, ..., Node nwk nek swk sek] :: Pat
nodesPat =
( zip4
(namesToPat nwNames)
(namesToPat neNames)
Expand All @@ -116,8 +127,13 @@ genBinFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
-- f q1 ... qk :: Pat
mainPat = namesToPat (fName : qNames)
-- anagrams [l1, .., ln] [n1, .., n(k-n)]
anagramsNLeafs n = map tupP (anagrams (take n leafsPat) (take (k - n) nodesPat))
-- anagrams [[v1, s1], .., [vn, sn]] [[nw1, ne1, sw1, se1], .., [nw(k-n), ne(k-n), sw(k-n), se(k-n)]]
anagramsNLeafsName n =
(take n (zipWith (\x y -> [x, y]) vNames sNames))
(take (k - n) (zipWith4 (\x y z w -> [x, y, z, w]) nwNames neNames swNames seNames))

anagramNLeafsPat = tupP . anagramToPat
-- if pattern have at least 1 Node and at least 1 Leaf, then generate body. Example with n Leafs and accordingly (k - n) Nodes
reduce $
Expand All @@ -128,57 +144,59 @@ genBinFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
(zipWithBinFuncK f se1 .. se(k-n) (Leaf v1 s) ... (Leaf vn s )
-- s is common size of leafs that equals s1 div 2 (s1 == s2 == ... = sn)
let bodyToCenter n =
-- ord of leafs and nodes are important
let bodyToCenter anagram =
reduce $
$( recAppl
(varE name)
(varE fName)
(namesToExp $ take (k - n) nwNames)
(namesToExp $ take n vNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ head x) anagram)
$( recAppl
(varE name)
(varE fName)
(namesToExp $ take (k - n) neNames)
(namesToExp $ take n vNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 1) anagram)
$( recAppl
(varE name)
(varE fName)
(namesToExp $ take (k - n) swNames)
(namesToExp $ take n vNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 2) anagram)
$( recAppl
(varE name)
(varE fName)
(namesToExp $ take (k - n) seNames)
(namesToExp $ take n vNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 3) anagram)
-- generate match at least 1 Nodes and at least one Leafs. anagrams are all combinations of this pattern, right body and block
where s = s1 div 2
let matchesToCenter n anagram =
-- generate match at least 1 Nodes and at least one Leafs. anagrams are all combinations of this pattern, right body and block
where s = s1 div 2
let matchesToCenter anagram =
(normalB $ bodyToCenter n)
(anagramNLeafsPat anagram)
(normalB $ bodyToCenter anagram)
[whereSizeDiv2 sName (varE $ head sNames)]
:: Q Match
-- generate all cases with that match
listOfCenterMatches = concat [map (matchesToCenter n) (anagramsNLeafs n) | n <- [1 .. k - 1]]
listOfCenterMatches = concat [map matchesToCenter (anagramsNLeafsName n) | n <- [1 .. k - 1]]
elseBodyExp = [|error "different size of leafs"|]
thenBodyExp = [|Leaf ($(zipArgsByBin (varE fName) (namesToExp vNames))) ($(varE $ head sNames))|]
bodyAllNodes =
reduce $
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name) $(varE fName)|] nwNames)
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name) $(varE fName)|] neNames)
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name) $(varE fName)|] swNames)
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name) $(varE fName)|] seNames)
matchAllNodes =
(tupP nodesPat)
(normalB $ bodyToCenter 0)
(normalB bodyAllNodes)
matchAllLeafs =
Expand All @@ -192,3 +210,127 @@ genBinFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
let functionSig = makeFunc (replicate 3 a)
quadTreesList = replicate (k + 1) [t|QuadTree $a|]
forallT [] (sequence [appT (conT ''Eq) a]) (makeFunc (functionSig : quadTreesList)) :: Q Type

aplNFuncs :: (Quote m) => m Exp -> [m Exp] -> [m Exp] -> m Exp
aplNFuncs name funcs anagram = foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $x|]) [|$name|] (funcs ++ anagram)

mapArgsByFuncs :: (Quote m) => [m Exp] -> [m Exp] -> m Exp
mapArgsByFuncs funcs args = foldl (\acc x -> infixE (Just acc) (snd x) (Just $ fst x)) (head args) (zip (tail args) funcs)

genBinKFunc :: Int -> Q [Dec]
genBinKFunc k = sequenceA [sigD name typ, funD name [cl1]]
name = mkName $ "zipWith" ++ show k ++ "Funcs"
vNames = numberedNames "v" k
sNames = numberedNames "s" k
nwNames = numberedNames "nw" k
neNames = numberedNames "ne" k
swNames = numberedNames "sw" k
seNames = numberedNames "se" k
qNames = numberedNames "q" k
fNames = numberedNames "f" (k - 1)
sExp = varE $ mkName "s"
sName = mkName "s"
cl1 = do
-- [(Leaf v1 s1), ..., (Leaf vk sk)] :: Pat
leafsPat =
zipWith (curry leafWithArgsPat) (namesToPat vNames) (namesToPat sNames)
-- [Node nw1 ne1 sw1 se1, ..., Node nwk nek swk sek] :: Pat
nodesPat =
( zip4
(namesToPat nwNames)
(namesToPat neNames)
(namesToPat swNames)
(namesToPat seNames)
-- f1 ... f(k-1) q1 ... qk :: Pat
mainPat = namesToPat (fNames ++ qNames)
-- anagrams [[v1, s1], .., [vn, sn]] [[nw1, ne1, sw1, se1], .., [nw(k-n), ne(k-n), sw(k-n), se(k-n)]]
anagramsNLeafsName n =
(take n (zipWith (\x y -> [x, y]) vNames sNames))
(take (k - n) (zipWith4 (\x y z w -> [x, y, z, w]) nwNames neNames swNames seNames))

anagramNLeafsPat = tupP . anagramToPat
-- if pattern have at least 1 Node and at least 1 Leaf, then generate body. Example with n Leafs and accordingly (k - n) Nodes
reduce $
(quadTreeMapK f1 ... f(k-1) nw1 .. nw(k-n) (Leaf v1 s) ... (Leaf vn s )
(quadTreeMapK f1 ... f(k-1) ne1 .. ne(k-n) (Leaf v1 s) ... (Leaf vn s )
(quadTreeMapK f1 ... f(k-1) sw1 .. sw(k-n) (Leaf v1 s) ... (Leaf vn s )
(quadTreeMapK f1 ... f(k-1) se1 .. se(k-n) (Leaf v1 s) ... (Leaf vn s )
-- s is common size of leafs that equals s1 div 2 (s1 == s2 == ... = sn)
-- ord of leafs and nodes are important
let bodyToCenter anagram =
reduce $
$( aplNFuncs
(varE name)
(namesToExp fNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ head x) anagram)
$( aplNFuncs
(varE name)
(namesToExp fNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 1) anagram)
$( aplNFuncs
(varE name)
(namesToExp fNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 2) anagram)
$( aplNFuncs
(varE name)
(namesToExp fNames)
(map (\x -> if length x == 2 then [|Leaf $(varE $ head x) $(sExp)|] else varE $ x !! 3) anagram)
-- generate match at least 1 Nodes and at least one Leafs. anagrams are all combinations of this pattern, right body and block
where s = s1 div 2
let matchesToCenter anagram =
(anagramNLeafsPat anagram)
(normalB $ bodyToCenter anagram)
[whereSizeDiv2 sName (varE $ head sNames)]
:: Q Match
-- generate all cases with that match
listOfCenterMatches = concat [map matchesToCenter (anagramsNLeafsName n) | n <- [1 .. k - 1]]
elseBodyExp = [|error "different size of leafs"|]
thenBodyExp = [|Leaf $(mapArgsByFuncs (namesToExp fNames) (namesToExp vNames)) $(varE $ head sNames)|]
bodyAllNodes =
reduce $
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name)|] (fNames ++ nwNames))
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name)|] (fNames ++ neNames))
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name)|] (fNames ++ swNames))
$(foldl (\acc x -> [|$acc $(varE x)|]) [|$(varE name)|] (fNames ++ seNames))
matchAllNodes =
(tupP nodesPat)
(normalB bodyAllNodes)
matchAllLeafs =
(tupP leafsPat)
(normalB $ ite thenBodyExp elseBodyExp (namesToExp sNames))
mainBody = caseArgs (namesToExp qNames) (matchAllNodes : matchAllLeafs : listOfCenterMatches)
clause mainPat (normalB mainBody) []
typ = do
let tTypes = namesToType $ numberedNames "t" (2 * k - 2)
a = varT $ mkName "a"
functionsSig = map makeFunc (triplePart (tTypes ++ [a])) :: [Q Type]
quadTreesList =
[[t|QuadTree $t|] | n <- lsEvenWithOne (k + 1), let t = varT $ mkName $ "t" ++ show n]
++ [[t|QuadTree $a|]]
forallT [] (sequence [appT (conT ''Eq) a]) (makeFunc (functionsSig ++ quadTreesList))

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