A comprehensive tool for starting an online, text-based RPG campaign, enabling multiple players to start long-term games in an original, well-defined world. Each player creates their own character with special abilities and skill sets, who then become a part of an adventure team with other players in a campaign led by a Game Master. Application database is made on PostGreSQL.
You can access release and development version of the application here:
- Release: dagonite-empire.drik.it
- Dev: dagonite-empire-dev.drik.it
You can use default test users or create your own account.
Default player account:
- Login:
[email protected]
- Password:
Default Game Master account:
- Login:
[email protected]
- Password:
🚧 Work in progress.
Whole application was developed with .Net 7.0 Blazor Server.
Multiple frameworks and tools were used for best apperience and user-friendly interface:
- Syncfusion solutions components
- Mudblazor
- EntityFrameworkCore PostgreSQL
- Magick.NET
- AutoMapper
- jquery
- toastr
- nlog
- bootstrap
Application is built automatically when new release is published using Github Actions as a Docker image and pushed to DockerHub. FluxCD residing on private Kubernetes cluster is monitoring DockerHub registry and when a new version is ready it recreates the app container with new image wihitn 5 minutes. Deployment configuration is set using custom helm chart available in drik-homelab-helm-charts repository and managed by FluxCD.
To build application from imported code, local PostreSQL server is required, with authorisation specified in appsetting.jsnon.