This is a simple library for LCD for usage with Arduino-platform.
The class "LCDPanel" is derived from "Adafruit_RGBLCDShield" used in the original RGBLCDShield-library from Adafruit.
Both libraries use a hardware in which the LCD and buttons are controlled by an MCP23017 via I2C-Bus.
The Adafruit-library was expanded to support the five buttons with debouncing (which is not supported directly with the original library). In addition, controling and enabeling the backlight of LCD is possible.
"LCDPanel" is also used as a unit for controlling some of my devices and can
- show the status of the device
- change parameters (I call them CV = Configuration Variable) Requested software for this is implemented inside the software for the device.
PCB for LCDPanel is available.
Tested on ATmega328.
- base-library
- accessory-library
- the basic usage of both libraries is well documented by Adafruit
- see also example CheckLCDPanel.ino