NexusMedia is a robust cutting-edge Backend project designed with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to provide developers and content platforms with a powerful, flexible, and secure infrastructure for building sophisticated digital experiences. It provides a RESTful API for user management, including registration, login, and profile management, along with features such as JWT-based authentication, video and image uploads to Cloudinary, and user subscriptions, likes, playlist and many more similar to Youtube.
Tagline: Bridging Digital Experiences
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation
- Usage
- Detailed Code Architecture and Advanced Implementations
- Key Advanced Architectural Patterns
- API Endpoints
- Contributing
- License
- User registration and login
- JWT authentication for secure access
- Profile management including avatar and cover photo updates
- Subscription management between users
- Watch history tracking
- Image uploads to Cloudinary
- Error handling with custom error responses
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB (with Mongoose)
- cloudinary (for image,video storage)
- bcrypt
- cookie-parser
- cors
- jsonwebtoken (for authentication)
- multer (for file uploads)
- mongoose (Object Data Model)
- mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2 (to implement mongodb aggregation, sub-aggregation pipelines)
- dotenv (for environment variable management)
- Postman (for testing all the API endpoints without frontend)\
- nodemon
- prettier
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd NexusMedia_Backend
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Create a .env file in the root directory and configure the following environment variables:
MONGODB_URL=your_mongodb_connection_string CLOUDNARY_NAME=your_cloudinary_name CLOUDNARY_API_KEY=your_cloudinary_api_key CLOUDNARY_API_SECRET=your_cloudinary_api_secret SECRET_REFRESH_TOKEN=your_secret_key PORT=3000
- To start the server, run:
npm run dev
The server will be running on http://localhost:3000 (or the port specified in your .env file).
- User Model (
Advanced Concepts:
- Mongoose pre-save middleware for automatic password hashing
- Custom method generation for token creation
- Secure password handling
- Dynamic token generation with environment variable
- Authentication Middleware (
Advanced Concepts:
- Multiple token extraction methods
- Secure token verification
- Middleware-based authentication
- Selective data retrieval
- Cloudinary Upload Utility (
Advanced Concepts:
- Automatic resource type detection
- Fail-safe error handling
- Automatic file system cleanup
- Subscription Details Aggregation (
Advanced Concepts:
- Complex MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline
- Dynamic field generation
- Conditional logic in aggregation
- Selective data projection
- Async Handler Utility (
Advanced Concepts:
- Higher-order function
- Promise resolution
- Centralized error handling
- Multer Middleware (
Advanced Concepts:
- Dynamic file storage configuration
- Flexible file naming strategy
Middleware-Driven Architecture
- Authentication middleware
- Error handling middleware
- File upload middleware
Aggregation-Based Data Retrieval
- Complex MongoDB aggregation pipelines
- Dynamic data transformation
- Efficient querying strategies
Secure Token Management
- JWT-based authentication
- Refresh token mechanism
- Secure token generation and verification
Modular Design
- Separation of concerns
- Utility-based approach
- Reusable components
Performance Optimization Techniques
- Mongoose Indexing
- Selective Data Projection
- Efficient Aggregation Pipelines
- Caching Strategies
- Minimal Data Transfer
Security Implementations
- Password Hashing
- JWT Token Verification
- Environment-Based Configuration
- Secure Cookie Management
- Input Validation
The following are the main API endpoints available:
User Registration
- Registers a new user with avatar and cover photo uploads.
User Login
- Authenticates a user and returns access and refresh tokens.
User Logout
- Logs out the user and invalidates the refresh token.
Refresh Access Token
- Refreshes the access token using the refresh token.
Update Password
- Updates the user's password (authenticated users only).
Get Current User
- Retrieves the current user's profile (authenticated users only).
Update User Details
- Updates user details like fullname and email (authenticated users only).
Update Avatar
- Updates the user's avatar (authenticated users only).
Update Cover Photo
- Updates the user's cover photo (authenticated users only).
Get User Subscription Details
- Retrieves subscription details for a given user.
Get User Watch History
- Retrieves the watch history for the authenticated user.
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.