Kitchen Manager App for Operational Research Class Menedżer Kuchenny na Badania Operacyjne 2
- N is the number of recipes
- M is the number of ingredients
- i (the row index) is also the RecipeID
- R[ i ] is a vector containing ingredients
- R[ i ][ j ] is the amount of j-th ingredient (0 if not used)
- size is N x M
- X[ i ] is a vector containing a single solution
- X[ i ][ j ] is a boolean value indicating whether the given recipe will be used or not
- size is <number_of_solutions / size_of_solution_space> x N
- T[ i ] is the preparation time for i-th recipe
- size is 1 x N
- Q[ j ] is the amount of j-th ingredient we have available
- size is 1 x M
- E[ j ] is the expiration date of the j-th ingredient
- size is 1 x M
- P[ j ] is the price of j-th ingredient
- size is 1 x M