Documentation and description on how to use the ICoordinateMapper of Microsoft Kinect 2 using PyKinect2 and python.
Simply import the in your file and use the functions. The reason I have the kinect instance as the first argument is to avoid any segmentation errors by multiple access points to the the kinect device. Most of the function work pretty well, just remember to give time to kinect to open and have at least one depth frame and color frame to use most of the functions without errors. Feel free to modify and use and if you like it give it a star. Most of the documentation is inside the file, if you cannot understand how to use any of the function feel free to open an issue and ask me.
Install all requirements from requirements.txt using the following command
pip install -r requirements.txt --no-index --find-links file:///tmp/packages
Full list of all requirements
* ctypes
* numpy==1.18.1
* pykinect2==0.1.0