Built and develop a webapplication where it is possible to see where a user can load sustainable, or where he/she can do it at the best place possible.
The project is about getting EV users to load more sustainable, loading green cars is not as green as people think, when we load at the wrong moment the energy that is loaded into the EV is not green at all, it consists of energy produced by coal/gas stations, this means we are not driving green at all.
The CO2 emitted at other moments of the same day are far less and that moments should be motivated to EV users, because the driving of green cars is much greener when loading at that certain moment.
The application is built from the Projects tab all features and skipped features/bugs are displayed there.
For more details about the project, please take a look at the Wiki tab.
Node.js, Express, Pug, SCSS
Before you can start you need to follow the installation
Open the terminal, or use the terminal in your IDE
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/KoenHaagsma/hoe-fossielvrij-is-deze-laadpaal.git
- Go to the cloned repository
cd ../../hoe-fossielvrij-is-deze-laadpaal
- Install all packages
npm install || npm i
- Start the application for development
npm run dev
- Open de server and go to the browser: Localhost. If this doesn't work change your port to another port