KodeBreaker Levels 1.3 will be replacing 8 mediocre levels in my sets that were only made just to fill in the 150 level mark. These new 8 levels will a much better quality with better ideas.
Removed Levels:
Hard 09 (Extra Small)
Hard 13 (KB-Discs)
Hard 17 (KB-Spread)
Hard V (KB-Bigcone2)
Advanced 02 (Extra Small 2)
Advanced V (KB-Runner)
Pro 05 (Follow the Gold)
Pro 17 (Easy Maze 2)
New Levels:
Gravity (Hard 10)
KB-ZenMaze (Hard 15)
Decimate (Hard 19)
Bullet Trains (Hard V)
Utopia (Advanced 18)
Rotating Cube (Advanced V)
Warzone (Pro 09)
Dystopia (Pro 16)
Other Changes:
New environment orders for Hard, Advanced, and Pro.
Major texture changes for levels from Medium through Expert.
Expert IV: Fixed Most Coins number.
Expert V: Fixed Most Coins number.