First of all, decide where you want your local copy to be and clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:Knewton/styleguide.git
In order to run your local copy, you'll need to install a bunch of dependencies: npm, grunt, bower. Make sure you're using sudo, if you run into permission issues.
brew install node
gem update --system && gem install scss-lint && gem install compass
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
To setup:
npm install
bower install
To run:
grunt run
open dist/index.htm
Grunt run takes care of compiling and building tasks, and watches any new changes to the code and recompiles and builds whenever new changes are made.
Similarly, you can setup a server that automatically, compiles, builds and reloads the style guide whenever changes are made.
grunt server
To configure your sublime text to use only 2 spaces per tab for scss, install the scss plugin, open a .scss file, and open preferences > settings - more > syntax specific, and paste: { "tab_size": 2, "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true }
- Bower package, use a local path as a repository
- Dust compiling, Compassing SCSS
- Autoprefixer: add vendor prefixes to CSS directives that need it.
- SCSS-lint:
- Push to github pages
To add in the future
- git submodule
- minifier
- spritifier
- put the bootstrap dependency inside the style package?
- duster for autorecompiling
- client side dust rendering
- how to do event driven (pubsub)
- helpers:
- formatDate
- plural
Todo: headers: -webkit-font-smoothing