Dockerfiles for starting a Zipkin instance backed by Cassandra
Please run cd deploy; ./ $name
to build the images on your own computer.
Where $name is base, cassandra, collector, query, or web as desired.
You may change the PREFIX in and as you see fit.
Before you start, please edit the
to change the URL to match your
Docker host IP, you may also change the port if needed. Now, run cd deploy; ./ $name
to start a complete Zipkin instance. Where $name is either
cassandra, collector, query or web.
If you did not build the images before, you will pull the published images from Docker INDEX.
Note that if you changed PREFIX in to build your own images, you need to make same changes here in Otherwise, it will still use the standard images pushed by me.
Docker-Zipkin starts the services in their own container: zipkin-cassandra, zipkin-collector, zipkin-query, zipkin-web and only link required dependencies together.
The started Zipkin instance would be backed by a single node Cassandra. By default, the collector port is not mapped to public. You will need to link containers that you wish to trace with zipkin-collector or you may change the respective line in to map the port.
All images with the exception of zipkin-cassandra are sharing a base image: zipkin-base. zipkin-base and zipkin-cassandra is built on debian:sid.
Zero Cho [email protected]