In this first step you are going to analyze the dataset.
Is there any Null value in your dataset?
Display the columns of the dataset.
Display in percentage the different case(No Frauds, Frauds) present in the dataset.
Use different colors in other to visualize the distributions of the different case.
Plot the distribution of of the transaction Amount and transaction time.
Scaling and Distributing
Splitting the Data (Original DataFrame)
Check the Distribution of the labels
Random Under-Sampling: Equally Distributing and Correlating: Correlation Matrices
Anomaly Detection: Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering: implementation and understanding
Classifiers (UnderSampling)
Find the best parameter
Create Dataframe with all score
A Deeper Look into LogisticRegression
SMOTE Technique (Over-Sampling)
Test Data with Logistic Regression
Neural Networks Testing Random UnderSampling Data vs OverSampling (SMOTE)
Keras || OverSampling (SMOTE)