Author: Michael Cragun
Welcome to the C# Blackjack game, a fun and interactive console application that lets you enjoy the classic card game right from your command line. This project was created in approximately 1.5 hours and was an enjoyable development experience.
To play the C# Blackjack game, follow these simple steps:
Clone the Repository: Begin by cloning this repository to your local machine using Git.
git clone
Navigate to the Directory: Open your command line or terminal and change your working directory to the cloned project folder.
cd BlackJackc-
- Compile and Run: Use the C# compiler to build the project and run the game. You can do this using the following commands:
dotnet build
dotnet run
NOTE: If you are on Windows, you can simply run the Program.exe file.
- Play Blackjack: Follow the on-screen instructions to play Blackjack in the console. Have fun and aim for 21!
This Blackjack game follows the standard rules of the game. You can find the rules for Blackjack here.
If you have any feedback, suggestions, or want to contribute to this project, please feel free to create issues, fork the repository, and submit pull requests. Your contributions are highly appreciated.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify it as you see fit.
Enjoy your Blackjack experience in the console!