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Valon Miller edited this page Jan 27, 2024 · 2 revisions

Each Activity must have a Location. This is usually the Command Post, Staging Area, or some other place where responders are expected to report. At minimum, Locations must have name. But, they can also be updated to include an address, coordinates, and a description.

Locations can be selected from a searchable "Saved Locations" picker when creating an Activity; or created by clicking on the new Location button next to the Saved Locations picker. When choosing a Saved Location, a copy of the Location data is saved to the Activity as the "Activity Location."


Activity Location

Activity Location data is unique to that activity. If the Location was selected from the Saved Location menu then the Activity has it's own copy of the Location data, which can be edited without affecting the Saved Location that it was created from. If a new Location was created then, by default, it only exists for that Activity.

There is an option when creating or updating an Activity Location to also create or update a corresponding Saved Location record. If this option is selected then edits will be saved for future use on other Activities.

It is not always necessary to save changes for later. For example, if the coordinates for the meeting location are edited to point at an overflow lot instead of the usual trailhead parking lot -- that change will only be reflected for the current Activity. Similarly, if an Activity is taking place at a location that is a one-off, it does not need to be saved for future use.


Saved Locations

Frequently used locations can be saved for future use. Saved Locations are available to all Activities via the searchable Saved Location picker.


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