Access CRM Rest and soap services using AngularJs
There are three main things which could be injected using the angular dependency injection.
- crmRestSvc : make calls to crm server using the rest protocole
- crmSoapSvc : make calls to crm server using the soap protocole
- crmCommon : common functions shared by the above services
module("appModule", ["crmModule"]). // bring in the Crm Module
controller("MyController", ["crmRestSvc", // bring in the Crm Rest Service
function (crmRestSvc) {
var that = this;
crmRestSvc.retrieveMultiple("Account", { $select : "Name,Telephone1", $top : 10 })
.then(function (accounts){
that.accounts = accounts;
Retrives multiple records from CRM
crmRestSvc.retrieveMultiple("Account", { $select : "Name,Telephone1", $top : 10 })
.then(function (accounts){
// use accounts
}, function (errors){
// something went wrong
Retrieve single record from CRM
crmRestSvc.retrieve("Contact", "{eee1c358-06ca-4ee3-afad-ddfb45a473e5}")
// use contact
Additional options could also be passed to the retrieve function
// will fetch the contact only with fullname.
crmRestSvc.retrieve("Contact", "{eee1c358-06ca-4ee3-afad-ddfb45a473e5}" , { $select : "FullName" })
// use contact
Creates a new record in CRM. Pass the schema name of the entity and the entity as an object.
crmRestSvc.create("Contact", { FirstName : "John", LastName : "Doe" });
crmRestSvc.update("Contact", "{eee1c358-06ca-4ee3-afad-ddfb45a473e5}", { FirstName : "John", LastName : "Doe" });
crmRestSvc.remove("Contact", "{eee1c358-06ca-4ee3-afad-ddfb45a473e5}");
Same as remove. This might not work in older browsers because delete is a reserved word so use the remove method instead.
crmRestSvc.associate(accountId, "Account", "Referencedaccount_parent_account", childId, "Account");
crmRestSvc.disassociate(accountId, "Account", "Referencedaccount_parent_account", childId);