This repository is the official implementation of the paper "Towards Learning Monocular 3D Object Localization From 2D Labels using the Physical Laws of Motion" (see here). We are happy to announce that our paper has been accepted at the International Conference on 3D Vision 2024 (3DV 2024).
We provide the datasets and the model weights to reproduce the paper results. The datasets can be downloaded using the bash script After downloading the datasets and models, you have to extract the file to <path_to_datasets> and the file to <path_to_models> respectively. Then, you have to set the following variables in
data_path = <path_to_datasets>
checkpoint_path = <path_to_models>
logs_path = <path_to_logs>
In <path_to_logs> the logs, checkpoints and evaluation metrics of your runs will be saved.
First, install the current version of pytorch with:
pip install torch torchvision
Now, you can install the other requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To train the model(s) in the paper, run this command:
python -m general.experiments --env RD
python -m general.experiments --env SD-S
python -m general.experiments --env SD-M
python -m general.experiments --env SD-L
In case you want to run the experiments with other settings, check out
python -m general.experiments --help
To reproduce the paper results, run:
python -m general.evaluate
To evaluate your own trained models, run:
python -m general.evaluate --path <path_to_model>
<path_to_model> is the full path to the checkpoints. An example for training and evaluating a model is:
python -m general.experiments --env RD`
python -m general.evaluate --path <logs_path>/checkpoints/checkpoints/review/realball/sintitle:resnet34_lossmode:2Dpred_nograd_<date&time>
<date&time> is the date and time you started the training. You need to look up the path in the logs folder. The results are printed in the console and additionally saved in <logs_path>/eval. The average metrics per environment is denoted as "dtgs_env" and the average metrics per camera location per environment is denoted as "dtgs_cam".