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  • we can use sigular /plural or short form command like --
kubectl get pod or kubectl get pods or kubectl get po
  • creating first pod with generator
kubectl run pod --generator=run-pod/v1 --image=coolgourav/nginx-custom ---generator wont work deprecated
kubectl run --image=nginx:alpine myfirstpod -- labels=example=myfirstpod
  • (kubectl get po -o wide ) for details in which node this pod is running
For yml and json format
kubectl get po -o yml
kubectl get po -o json

If we want to get any resource shot form then
kubectl api-resource | grep -i limit
Suppose you dont know what is pod then you can learn from it
kubectl explain pods | less
kubectl explain pod --recursive | less
See what is inside a pod or details about pod
kubectl describe pod nginx | less
Delete a pod either crashloopback or anything
kubectl delete pod  myfirstpod
kubectl delete pods --all
kubectl edit pod podname
watch pod creating
kubectl get pod -w
General form of cmd
kubectl actionname resource_type resource_name data
kubectl label pod myfirstpod evn1=lool
Suppose you want to label all pods
kubectl label pod --all evn1=lool
kubectl get pods --show-labels
Run command inside a pod container
kubectl exec podname env
If you have multiple container inside your pod
kubectl exec podname -c container_name

Then go to your bash of your container
kubectl exec podname -it bash
But if you have multiple container
kubectl exec podname -c container_name -it bash
set command inside a container
How to grep name in pod1.yml
grep name podname.yml
How to make a contaner to listen to any particular port?
netcat -l -p 8000
And how to see how many ports is opend?
netstat -nltp
Suppose we have three pod and if we assign a cluster ip then they can communicate with each other but for out side communication we will need node port.Seeing this bellow pictur will give you a clear idea.

So we are creating service to communicate between nodes
kubectl expose pod podname --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name myservice
Here we check this using 
kubectl get svc/service/services
and we will see port an ip
curl ip:8000
Lets talk about node port assign and accesing from out side world
kubectl expose pod podname --type=NodePort --port=8000 --target-port=80 --name myservice(not worked in minikube)
How service work
In service yml we have and selector.So if any pod has same label like service selector then the service will devide request to each pod
lets add label to some pod like this (kubectl label pod myfirstpod evn1=lool)
and selector like  below picture

If we run rc then it creates replicas as per template but if same label pod already created then it will not create any pod //but but if existing pods woner is other rc then according to new rc pod will be created

- If we dont put any selector then by default it take template label
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
 name: nginx
 replicas: 3
   app: nginx
     name: nginx
       app: nginx
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx
       - containerPort: 80
       if we delete a pods label (app=nginx) then it automaticaly creats immidiatly 
       if we delete a rc its also terminate all its riplicas
       but if we use cascade=false then it only delete rc
kubectl delete rc --cascade=false  nginx

Scalling up and Down is quite easy .We can set number of replica by vi command or
kubectl scale rc --replical=5 replicaControllerName
Or siply editing 
kubectl edit rc name
Actualy replicaset are most of the part are equal like replication controller
But but some extra facilites like we can match labels expression using (In or Not In)

Deployment is very likely to replication with litle change in yml
it has rollout means new version deploy 
it has rollback means go back to old version
it has recreat policy -- in which it make replica=0 of old version and replica=6 of new version
 We can similarly inc or dec the number of replica here also
 Rollout only trigard while we change on its spec only(i mean new version)
 maximumUnavalabe is quite clear that this amount of pod can  be missing
 maximaum surge means this amount of extra pod can be created 
 kubectl rollout history deployment name_of_the_deployment(just work like ctrl+z and ctrl+y----> kubectl rollout undo  deployment name_of_the_deployment)
 To go to particular deployment
 kubectl rollout undo --to-revision=2  deployment name_of_the_deployment
 To pause a deployment
 kubectl rollout pause deployment name_of_the_deployment
   kubectl rollout resume deployment name_of_the_deployment
 kubectl apply -f firstdeploy.yml --record (attach the messege auto generated but in yml if we add annotations messege will be set)
 apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: nginx-deployment
   app: nginx
 replicas: 3
     app: nginx
       app: nginx
     - name: nginx
       image: nginx:1.14.2
       - containerPort: 80
Now we are talking about resource and limit
*How to check  how much memory a container take ?->docker container stats container_id(and we wil see memeory uses and memory limit)
But we wand to fixed memory and cpu
then see the below image while pod creating

In defaul mood all resource being created on default namespace but there is another namespace pulic where no auth need to access
Here also we will see(kubectl get pods -n kube-system) a lot of pods which control the master system management
We can also change default namespace also(kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=test)
How to check a resource support namespace or not?
kubectl api-resource | grep -i pod
kubectl apply -f pod_yml --namespace test (then a pod will be created on test namespace so if we run kubectl get pods
it will not show any pods)
To see pods belongs to test namespace
kubectl get pods -n test
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces(to see all namespaces pod)
kubectl delete pod podname -n test(delete a pod from pod namespace)
kubectl create ns myns
If we want to connect with other namespace service then first enter into that and
curl servicename.namespacename.svc.cluster.local
Resource qouta is basicaly defining nameapaces resource limit/specification
There is two type of quota ->compute qouta(request.cpu) and object qouta(can set number of object like pod:"2")
if we only set limit but dont set resource then it automaticaly set resource same as limit
kubectl get resourcequotas -n myns
kubectl appl -f qouta.yml --namespace=myns
kubectl describe ns myns(we will see its qouta)
And take a look on below qouta.yml

We can create limitRange and set to any namespace
kubectl apply -f firstlimit.yml -n myns
We can also set limit/resource ratio in yml like below image

Config map is decuple the configuration of a pod /It can be ingect not only pof but also other resource
Config map can be created in sevaral ways 

like(from literal)
kubectl create configmap special-config --from-literal=special.type=charm

Create  configmap from file 
kubectl create cm cm_name --from-file=filename
Create configmap from two file 
kubectl create cm cm_name --from-file=filename --from-file=another_file_name
Now lets build config map from directory->if we have four file with different keys then running bellow this command will merged all files and its coresponding variables
kubectl create cm cm_name --from-file=properties/
We can also creat config map from env file 

kubectl create cm cm_name 
here comment will be ignored and alike from file its variable and keypair will be 
We can create configmap from yml file 
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
 name: game-demo
 # property-like keys; each key maps to a simple value
 player_initial_lives: "3"
 ui_properties_file_name: ""

 # file-like keys |
   player.maximum-lives=5 |
   this ( ) are like files


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