This project is to create a workflow to build BigBlueButton, the video conference software as a Docker image.
Before using any of the instructions, one should check Docker Preference settings.
For Docker Desktop systems, one must go into Docker Preference -> Resources and set Memory to 4Gb.
install docker
$ docker login
$ docker pull <image_name>
where <image_name> refers to juanluisbaptiste/bigbluebutton:2.0-beta0 from](
juanluisbaptiste has supported several features in Ansible-Roll-installed BigBlueButton platform.
$ docker run <image_name> -d -it
Now the docker container is built. Use
$ docker ps
to get the container's id, and use
$ docker exec <container_id> ./
to start bbb.
Place docker-compose.yml in the file and allow open
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up
Open Docker-Desktop/Preferences/Docker-Engine and edit the file, adding:
"insecure-registries" : [""]
while obeying json format. Then click "Apply and Restart". Now we can start pushing the image in the local registry.
$ docker tag <image_name><img_name>:<version_name>
$ docker push <image_name>
$docker pull<img_name>:<version_name>