This is a collaborative storytelling game developed for experimentation with collective decision making.
The game is turn-based, each turn a player adds or edits the story (or passes).
Current status is MVP 2
- Out of scope this round:
- Constraints created using Google Sheet (same as MVP 1)
- No user authentication, no authorization mechanism, only user tokens to access game
- In scope this round:
- Admin page
- Basic HTTP authentication
- Game CRUD
- Game name
- Number of rounds
- Hours per turn
- Pause after X rounds (0 = no pause)
- User CRUD
- Name
- Admin? boolean (gets cc'd on emails)
- Send email to user with game link
- Create turn order (first in, first turn)
- Returns to new form to add next player
- Player page
- Accessed using link sent in email, which identifies user via token
- Sets cookie on user’s browser to identify user
- Reject with informative message when visiting without link and without cookie
- Page display, from top to bottom:
- Game name
- Link to tutorial video
- Game round X of Y rounds
- Turn ends datetime
- Turn time remaining
- Document
- [List of players with current player highlighted]
- Email notifications
- Welcome to game
- Your turn
- Turn reminder (after half turn time elapses)
- Turn ended automatically (after quarter turn time grace period)
- Game paused
- Game ended
- Admin page