A full-stack web application, modeled from Harvard's CS50 course "Web Programming with Python and JavaScript".
A full-stack web application that allows logged in and verified users to search for books also to view, add, and store reviews. (HTML,CSS, JS, PYTHON, FLASK, PostgreSql)
Essentially I followed the syllabus' guidelines as to what the application should consist of:
- ability to log in, register, and log out
Import a '.csv' file into your database (PostgreSQL), via an 'import.py' file.
Search filter that allows the user to search using either the ISBN, author, or title of the book.
- returns data based on the query made
Add Reviews
With the psql database, users can add reviews that are then stored in the database, also available to view on the book page.
View GoodReads ratings and number of reviews per book using the GoodReads API
Here is a preview of the application, as well as a link listed above to demo!