kangwon University 18.03 ~ 24.08
mobile-programming-assignments 21.09.01 ~ 21.11.26
ProgrammingLanguages-assignments 22.03.07 ~ 23.06.11
database lab 22.03 ~ 24.02
-Academic paper management legacy program migration project(asp to java(Spring MVC + mybaits))(private) 22.03.07 ~ 22.07.12
-Learning and evaluation after preprocessing of autonomous driving observation datasets(LIDAR, camera)(private) 22.07.12 ~ 22.12.31
-Pre-processing of student data and creating a company recommendation model based on the student's course history(private) 23.02.21 ~ 24.02.15
-CMS (Conference Management System) backend develop(private) 23.03.03 ~
algorithm solve 22.05.03 ~
stock-management-service 22.09.24 ~ 23.02.12
capston team project 23.03.02 ~ 23.08.17
-https://github.com/SdKfz2/caps23 (private, backend code)
-https://github.com/now1256/Homepage (private, frontend code)
computer-vision-assignments 23.03.02 ~ 23.05.26
Requirements-analysis-project 23.03.13 ~ 23.05.27
kakako tech campus 2nd backend course 24.04.01 ~