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Create a base class called LibraryObject with the following attributes:
- id: string
- title: string
- author: string
- publicationDate: date
- category: string
Implement a constructor in the base class to initialize the above attributes.
Implement a method called display() in the base class that prints out all the attributes of an object in a formatted manner.
Create four child classes that inherit from LibraryObject:
- Book with an additional attribute called numPages (Number of pages)
- Magazine with additional attributes called month (Month) and year (Year)
- CD with an additional attribute called duration (Duration)
- DVD with an additional attribute called duration (Duration)
Implement a constructor in each of the child classes to initialize the additional attributes.
Implement a method called display() in each of the child classes that calls the parent's display() method and prints out the additional attributes in a formatted manner.
Create a class called Library with the following attributes:
- objects: an array of LibraryObject objects
- numObjects: a static attribute that counts the number of objects created
Implement a constructor in Library that initializes objects to an empty array.
Implement a method called addObject() in Library that takes a LibraryObject object as a parameter and adds it to the objects array. The method should also increment the value of numObjects.
Implement a static method called countObjects() in Library that returns the value of numObjects.
Implement a method called filterObjectByCategory() that takes a category as a parameter and returns the filtered array. If the category does not exist in the array, the method should print that no object where found.
Write a main to demonstrate that the program works