FFMPEG library, available to anyone.
This library is create for personal use, but if you want to use it feel free to use it :) . To use it you will need to go deeper and see what the functions are doign, since it is a personal use i am not going to document everything
First you need all of the libraries to use it
use FFMpegLib\Initializer;
use FFMpegLib\Executor\Executor;
use FFMpegLib\Commands\VideoDurationCommand;
use FFMpegLib\Commands\CreateImagesCommand;
use FFMpegLib\Commands\GifCommand;
use FFMpegLib\FileFinder\FileFinder;
Then you need to initalize it
You can get video duration with
$videoDurationCommand = new VideoDurationCommand('video.flv', APP_PATH);
$videoDurationCommand->getDuration(); // it returns an instance of Time
To create images suitable for gif:
$imagesPath = APP_PATH . '/assets/images/image.png';
$videoPath = APP_PATH . '/assets/videos/video.flv';
$createImagesCommand = new CreateImagesCommand(
Take note you need to delete the images yourself as the option is not yet implemented
You can create a gif with:
$gifCommand = new GifCommand(APP_PATH . '/assets/images/image.png', APP_PATH . '/assets/images/t.gif');
You need to specify the full path of the video for every command except for the duration, there i use a finder for the base path, but you can pass the full path as well.
to get the images/frames created from createImagesCommand use
The time Class
getSeconds(); //returns seconds, you need a Time object to call all of theese methods
create();// static method -- Time::create()
createFromString(); // static method -- Time::createFromString()