Neuroptimus is an open-source framework for solving parameter optimization problems, with many additional features (including a GUI) to support typical use cases in neuroscience. The neuroptimus/new_test_files folder in the repository contains several examples of using Neuroptimus, with detailed PDF guides to setting up and running these use cases in the Neuroptimus GUI.
Install git
and type:
git clone
The following python libraries are required:
- python
- numpy
- eFEL
- matplotlib
The following libraries are recommended:
- neuron
- scipy
- PyQt5
- inspyred
- pyelectro
- Pygmo
- bluepyopt
- ipyparallel
- nest
You can get required or recommended libraries with the following command:
pip install -r requirements_minimal.txt
pip install -r requirements_full.txt
You can get individual package with pip
pip install neuron
If you should require a local copy of the Neuroptimus documentation, you need a working install of Sphinx, then run the command:
sphinx-build ./doc <local build directory>
from the top-level neuroptimus directory where should be replaced with a custom filepath.
The package was tested on the following systems:
1. Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
2. Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
3. Fedora release 32 (Thirty Two) (neurofedora)
You can run Neuroptimus (with a GUI) directly from its installation folder with:
python -g
Or for the command line version (you must specify a configuration file as well):
python -c example.xml
Project leader:
Szabolcs Káli
[email protected]
Lead developer:
Máté Mohácsi
[email protected]
Past developers:
Péter Friedrich
Sára Sáray
Márk Patrik Török