VRChatAutoInviteGroup is a Python program designed to automate the process of sending group invites to users in the VRChat platform. It leverages the VRChat API to streamline the invitation process.
User Invitation Automation: The program automates the process of sending group invites by utilizing the VRChat API.
User Input Handling: It prompts the user to input necessary information such as authentication cookies and group ID, ensuring flexibility and customization.
File Selection: Users can select a text file containing the list of users to be invited, simplifying management and updates.
Progress Tracking: The program saves the user's progress, allowing for easy continuation from where it left off in case of interruptions.
Error Handling: It handles various HTTP response status codes and provides informative messages for smooth operation and troubleshooting.
To use VRChatAutoInviteGroup, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/KaichiSama/VRChatAutoInviteGroup.git
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