AWS ECR plugin for Kaholo This plugin is based on aws-sdk API and you can view all resources on github
This method calls ECR describeRepositories
- Access Key - This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
- Secret Key - This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
- Region - Select a region from the appeard list.
- Registry ID - The AWS account ID associated with the registry that contains the repositories to be described. If you do not specify a registry, the default registry is assumed.
This method calls ECR getAuthorizationToken.
Additionally in order to allow easier working with it, an additional parsing is being done to the reponse which adds the following fields to each authorizationData
- decodedToken - Object containing the parsed
- baseDockerLoginCommand - A base docker login command which can be used later for connecting your docker daemon. In the format:
docker login --username ${user} --password "${password}" ${host}
- Access Key - This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
- Secret Key - This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
- Region - Select a region from the appeard list.
- Registry IDs (String | Array) - The registry IDs you wish to generate authorization token for.
This method is a wrapper for docker-cli. And therefore the docker-cli must be preinstalled on the agent.
The method is doing the following:
docker login
to ECR repositorydocker push
- Push the namespaced tag to the ECR repositorydocker logout
- To remove the ECR credentials
- Access Key - This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
- Secret Key - This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
- Region - Select a region from the appeard list.
- Registry ID - The AWS account ID associated with the registry that contains the repositories.
- Repository Name - The name of the repository inside the registry
- Image - The host, name and tag of the image you wish to push. For example <account_id><repo_name>:
This method is a wrapper for docker-cli. And therefore the docker-cli must be preinstalled on the agent.
The method is doing the following:
docker login
to ECR repositorydocker pull
- Pull the namespaced tag from the ECR repositorydocker logout
- To remove the ECR credentials
- Access Key - This is a parameter taken from the vault to access AWS
- Secret Key - This is a paramer taken from the vault to access AWS
- Region - Select a region from the appeard list.
- Registry ID - The AWS account ID associated with the registry that contains the repositories.
- Repository Name - The name of the repository inside the registry
- Image - The host, name and tag of the image you wish to push. For example <account_id><repo_name>: