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Express-TS-TypeORM Server Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate for creating a server with express, typescript and typeorm. It is configured to work with mysql/mariadb. I have also added eslint and prettier settings for code formatting. You can use this boilerplate to create a server for your project.

I have created a user entity and 3 API endpoints about user entity. These 3 APIs have no functional purpose. The purpose of these APIs is only to show how to create an API and how to use typeorm, express and typescript together.

Additionally, I have added a middleware to handle errors and custom errors in src/util directory. You can use this middleware to handle errors in your project. You can also remove this middleware if you want.

Project Setup


Default DBMS is mysql/mariadb. Install mysql/mariadb and create database with the name you want. If you want to use another DBMS, you can change the dataSource.ts file in the src/config directory.

Environment Variable

If you are in development mode, create a file in the root directory of the project and add the following variables:


PORT=3000 # port on which the server will listen

DB_HOST=localhost # host(ip) of the database
DB_PORT=3306 # port of the database
DB_USER=root # username of the database
DB_PASSWORD=pwd # password of the database
DB_NAME=kubid # name of the database, which you created in the previous step

If you are in production mode, create a file in the root directory of the project and add the above configuration variables with the appropriate values.


Execute the following commands in the root directory of the project to run the server according to the mode you want.

Development Mode

npm install
npm run dev

Production Mode

npm install
npm run build
npm run prod

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      • fix: fix an error or issue
      • rfc: refactor code
      • add: add new file or directory
      • rmv: remove existing file or directory
    • Example
      • int: initial commit


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