Created by Vinay Williams
November 13th 2024
- Created a shell script to setup a linux image with various bits and bobs to help newer members learning to code etc
- Installs
- Neovim
- Fish
- Tmux
- Rclone
- Pipx (Global Install)
- Miniconda3 (Global Install)
- AEL's DAQ Software (Not available in repo)
- User accounts (Standard setup)
- Adds Vinay's customisation of using fish background in nvim
- Adds Vinay's nvim preferences
If you would like to use this you would have to disable the AEL installation portion as the binaries are not publicly distributed with this repo but brought in as a submodule from a private repo. Would also recommend that you change the user account setup as well
I am not sure if my wallpaper enforcer service is working so you might want to review that bit