This tutorial is based off of salt-sandbox with some heavy modifications to go through this tutorial.
salt-tutorial is a multi-VM Vagrant-based Salt development environment used for learning the basics of salt, and some introductions to more advanced uses of salt.
salt-tutorial will set up three separate virtual machines:
- - the Salt master server
- - the first Salt minion machine
- - the second Salt minion machine
These VMs will be used throughout the tutorial to setup a LAMP stack environment &
To use Salt Sandbox, you must have the following items installed and working:
- VirtualBox - VirtualBox 4.2+
- Vagrant - Vagrant 1.3.5+
salt-tutorial will be using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for the base boxes.
Make sure you have a compatible Vagrant base box (if you don't have one already, it will download a 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box for you), and then you should be good to clone this repo and go:
$ vagrant box list
$ git clone git://
$ cd salt-tutorial/
To bring up the Salt Sandbox environment, issue the following command:
$ vagrant up
The following tasks will be handled automatically:
- The Salt master daemon will be installed and enabled on the master machine.
- The Salt minion daemon will be installed and enabled on all three machines.
- A host-only network will be set up with all machines knowing how to communicate with each other.
To test to make sure everything is working, you can do the following:
$ vagrant ssh master
$ sudo su
# salt --version
Attend the tutorial class & follow along!
salt-tutorial is provided under the terms of The MIT License.
Copyright © 2013, Justin Carmony.
Salt Sandbox is provided under the terms of The MIT License.
Copyright © 2012, Aaron Bull Schaefer.