This project is the frontend Notes App developed with React. It allows users to create, edit and delete notes, as well as manage their categories. The application uses a MySQL database for data storage and is hosted on the Heroku platform.
Main features: 📌
- Note creation and administration.
- Secure connection to the database in the cloud.
- Deployment and execution on Heroku.
The stack use to develop and deploy this project is:
- React 18
- React router dom 6
- Styled icons
Clone the repo:
git clone
- Go to dir
cd fronted
- Execute
npm install
- Execute:
npm start
- Application Demo on Heroku: ny-notes-app
Heroku: notes-app-api
- Hiram Chávez - JustLearningMX
- Twitter: @hiram_ch
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: Hiram Chávez
- Website: Hiram Chávez
- GitHub: JustLearningMX